Last week my home was broken into burglarized and ransacked.  Ironically even though I mail letters to past clients explaining the importance of inventorying personal belongings I hadn’t done it.   Regrettably, because I didn’t have serial numbers, photos, receipts or other proof of the items stolen I most likely will not get them back or replaced by my insurance.  Even scarier my family is still discovering missing items since we didn’t have an inventory list.  It’s amazing how you forget about the diamond ring you gave your wife 25 years ago for Christmas not to mention things like car keys and iPods you don’t notice missing until you go to use them and they are gone!

To the looser that broke into my house I hope it was worth it!    SERIOUS street value on the items you took is maybe three or four hundred dollars nothing compared to the damage you did to my carpets, wife’s car and making it so my son is afraid to sleep in his own room!   I am a true believer in karma and you will get yours my friend.  This is the letter we at the Jones Team mail to past clients please read it and more importantly do it.   I never thought it would happen to me is no excuse!

Just writing to say "Hi" and to remind you of the importance of making an inventory of your belongings in case you ever need to make an insurance claim.

The reason I mention it is that I recently heard about a family whose home was broken into.

Unfortunately they never got full replacement value for their losses because they couldn't supply the insurance company with reasonable proof of what they owned. In order to avoid such claim problems, insurance companies suggest that you make a complete inventory of your belongings and also video or photograph them for visual proof.

No one ever likes to think about having their home broken into, but in the event that it happens, it pays to be prepared. If I can be of any service to you in this regard, please call or email me.
